MyHunt App

Communications and Creatives Manager

Company overview

MyHunt is a mobile and browser application designed to assist hunters before, during, and after a hunt by providing tools for organizing their hunting area, managing wildlife, and ensuring the safety of the hunting party. The features are designed to create a sustainable hunting experience that is not only safer, but also more successful and memorable.


  • Customer Success Manager

  • Marketing Designer

  • Junior Product Manager

  • As a Customer Success Manager (CSM), my primary responsibility was to directly interact with users on platforms like Zendesk, Google Play, and Apple App Store. I served as the voice of MyHunt, providing guidance and support to the users. With a significant portion of our user base comprising of non-digital natives, they often struggled to fully grasp the app's functionality. This user group however is very enthusiastic and appreciative of the MyHunt concept, thanks to the amazing feedback from our users, I was highly motivated to address their need for easy-to-follow and visually appealing customer assistance. I set out to create and implement an appealing how-to guide with images or videos, gradually enhancing the text-based approach.

  • As a Marketing Designer at MyHunt, my responsibilities included creating visually appealing newsletters, surveys, and App Store visuals. I also conducted A/B testing and customized interaction workflows using These tasks allowed our team to improve the design and user experience of MyHunt while also improving its marketing strategies.

  • As a junior project manager, I scheduled and conducted guided tests with a selected user base, providing them with prototypes of upcoming features. These trials involve active hunters and users of MyHunt, who were encouraged to talk out load through their MyHunt experience. We cross-reference this feedback with other user tests, resulting in precise feature specifications for developers. Since the app requires regular testing, everyone in the team was urged to take part in TestFlight testing on various or readily available gadgets. I collaborate closely with the senior project manager, attending meetings and brainstorming to improve workflows and app features. Live field-testing and regular communication with developers enhanced the understanding of the app.

Work Process Breakdown

  • MyHunt was an opportunity that I wouldn't have considered if it weren't for chance. Hunting never enticed me, and I was skirting around the edges of being a vegetarian. MyHunt has taught me that it is the people who make the subject. The view towards a subject can change not only the perception of a field, but also makes you want to engage and learn more about it. Even when the team was 100% remote, the team spirit was and is strong because of the opportunity to incorporate your own personality into the MyHunt-Team. It set the bar for what I'm looking for in other jobs and teams.
